5 min read

Obey Giant x Verisart: Revolutionizing the Art of Community Building

Naomi and Earl

Leading with innovation

In a dynamic industry where the boundaries between art, technology, and community engagement blur more each day, Obey Giant and Verisart have established a brand new commerce experience, built on Shopify.

For almost seven years, Obey Giant has collaborated with Verisart to offer blockchain-certified Certificates of Authenticity (COAs). Since 2019, the street-art icon Shepard Fairey's brand has seamlessly integrated Verisart's Shopify app into its commerce experience, enabling exclusive product drops and engaging its passionate audience.

Weekly engagement meets authenticity

Obey Giant has built a loyal community through tokengated commerce, which enables fans to purchase exclusive products based on digital ownership. Using Verisart's Shopify app, the brand has also successfully verified over 15,000 works on the Bitcoin blockchain, ensuring each artwork's provenance and authenticity while offering exclusivity to their followers.

"Community building has always been at the core of Obey Giant's philosophy. And this partnership with Verisart allows us to bring our audience closer by offering them unique, authenticated artwork and products on a regular basis." — Shepard Fairey, Obey Giant

An enhanced experience: Shopify's Connect Wallet Component

The Obey Giant team is always looking to improve customer experiences. They switched to Shopify’s Connect Wallet component — with its inclusion of the WAGMI connector library on the development side—to do just that. The seamless integrations enabled by the upgrade created an elevated customer experience made possible by further leveraging the power of the Shopify ecommerce ecosystem.

"Switching to Shopify’s Connect Wallet component to provide essential infrastructure for our Shopify app was a game-changer for us. It not only adds another layer of user convenience but aligns perfectly with Obey Giant's community-centric approach." — Robert Norton, Verisart 

Tailoring a Shopify storefront for artistic community building

Obey Giant has benefited from a plethora of Shopify features, especially those facilitated by the Verisart Shopify app. These include:

  • Exclusive product drops: Build anticipation and reward loyal community members with timed releases that leverage tokengated access.
  • Blockchain-certified COAs: Add provenance to each art piece, setting a new standard in the street art community for authenticity.
  • Seamless transactions: Ensure art—not the complexities of transactional logistics—remains the focus by using Shopify Payments to accept payments.

"It's inspiring to see how brands like Obey Giant are pushing the envelope in community engagement through tokengating and exclusivity. Verisart is instrumental in unlocking the platform's full potential." — Alex Danco, Shopify

Consistency across platforms

One of the most notable aspects of this partnership is the continuity it provides. Whether participating in an exclusive product drop or simply browsing the latest works, customers encounter a consistent, easy-to-navigate commerce experience—all built on Shopify. This consistent experience contributes to customer retention and community loyalty, fulfilling Obey Giant's ultimate vision of an inclusive art community.

Creating for the future

The long-term collaboration between Obey Giant, Verisart, and Shopify is not just about transactions or technology; it is a testament to the expansive and inclusive future that these entities envision for the art community.

"Working with Verisart and Shopify has fundamentally changed how we engage with our community. It's the future of art, community building, and ecommerce rolled into one."— Shepard Fairey, Obey Giant

By leveraging Shopify’s customizable and extensible platform enhanced by Verisart's technology, Obey Giant has not just modernized the way art is bought and sold, but also transformed how communities are built and engaged with. This innovative collaboration showcases how there are limitless possibilities when art, technology, and community converge.
